
What is luck?

A friend of mine ask me, what luck is and why some people have so much of it and some poeple have nothing of it.

I think luck is a chance. I can't control it. Either it comes to me or not. Luck doesn't ask if you are rich or intelligent, it doesn't search people who need it. It took those who were just there, so it is.

But there is something like luck. I can control it. I can propagate it. If I bother, I can hold it. It's not important if I am rich or poor, If a had a job or not.


I am in charge of how satisfied I am with me, with my familiy, with my job or with my neighbourhood. I control whether I am happy in the morning or not or how happy I am, when I come home. I am in charge of, how much love i give to my familiy.

Natural there are things I can't control. I can't control the weather, but I can handle it lucky and took my cagoule on, instead of getting wet. Individually I can't control the environmental policy, but I can search others and move a lot together. And so on.
But keep in mind, if there is something you can't control as individual or as collective, leave it and accept it.

Sometimes I am unsatisfied with my work or my life and I am sad and ask myself to pack in my job, but than I remember my familiy and my friends and all the love they give to me and everything is good. Sometimes it helps to think of other people, to help other people and to do good things to others. This is it, what makes me feel Satisfied. The more I pay attention to the wellfare of others, the more I feel satisfied. This may sound paradox, but so it is.

However, it is under my control, how I handle it.

I wish you well,

Markus :-)


We have a new flatmate

As long as I can think, I had a cat. My first cat lives 11 Years, but then somebody poison it. We all were very sad. After that we get a little kitten. She died after 12 years from cancer. This is ten years ago. But yesterday we bought a new one, after I get on Sandra's nerves till she said yes. :-)

Here a few pictures from our little kitten named Phoebe...

So long,


What is a wedding good for?

Today I read on Bianca's facebook page, that Matt will marry her. What a lucky day for her (and him, because she said "yes", to my knowledge ;-) )

But, what is a marriage good for? What do you think!?

I am together with my wife since 17 years and we are married since 10 years this summer.

When I was a little boy I want to marry my mom, today I won't. ;-) When I grew up there were a lot of little girls I want to marry, I think there was every month a new one, so are little boys. :-)

Then there was my first big Love, when I was 16, and I want to marry her, but it was only a holiday Love (at that time, sadly). After that, there was another big Love. She broke my heart.

And then there was Sandra (my wife). We were young and the first years, there was many ups and downs. After four years we move together in an apartment and after seven years we marry and two children came with it.

Life in marriage isn't always easy and funny. Everybody thought it should be and the most time it is, but not always. Sometimes you have to fight for your Love, sometimes there are tears and sometimes it isn't easy. You have to work for it, like in every relationship.

Many young people get divorced after a few years, because they forget, that every relationship is work. Work on yourself, work for the mate, work for the children and and and...

I Love my wife and I Love my family, also it isn't sometimes easy, but I Love to work on it...work for the Love...

A marriage is good. Good for Love and good for everyone who find his Love of life and who want seal it in the face of God, or the civil registry office... ;-)

So long,
Markus :-)
