
What will I be?

When I was just a little girl (ok, when I was a little boy)
I asked my mother
What will I be
Will I be pretty
Will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

I think everybody knows this song, sung by Doris Day in the film, "The Man who knew too much."

What will I be? This is a question, I asked myself a lot, when I was 12 Years old, I asked myself this question even more, when I was 17 years old and now, nearly 37 years, I asked myself this question again.

What will I be?

Life changes a lot of times. It changes, when you came from childhood into youth, it changes, when you get your first job, when you marry someone, when the first child came and so on. And when all the typical were done. Building a house, marrying a girl, getting a baby and planting a tree. When all this is done, you should think life calm down now. But it isn’t so. Not in my life.

I am always on the run. I am searching new things, I am searching for new tasks, and I can’t stop. I thought that I can live my life in quietness now, because I have everything I wish for, but far wrong. I am reading book after book, to find out what I will be, can be, now, in the future.

At the moment I am reading the book from Barbara Sher “Wishcraft. How to get what you really want.” She promise to me, that I will know, what I really want and that I get, what I really want, after reading her book. That sounds great, but…If it is so easy, why did not everybody in the world do this? Hey, everybody would be happy, everybody…I hope she is right with her promise…

What about you? Are you the one you would be, or are you on the way? And when you still there, how did you make it? (pleeeeeaaaase tell me...)



5 Kommentare:

Ela hat gesagt…

Hi Markus, toller Text und toller Blog...

I´m on the way und ich sage Dir, es war und ist ein hartes Stück Arbeit und es hört nie auf, aber die Belohnung, die man am Ende bekommt, ist man selbst(kann ich hier eigentlich auf deutsch antworten?). :)

Ich habe auch ein Buch nach dem anderen gelesen und wurde immer verwirrter. Dann traf ich einen Menschen, der mir viele Fragen beantwortet hat und mir die Augen öffnete...und jetzt...jetzt leb ich mit dem festen Glauben an das Universum und an die eigene Kraft und es macht einen Riesenspaß trotz der ständig neuen Aufgaben, die man wieder und wieder gestellt bekommt. :)

Wenn Du zwei Buchtipps möchtest:

Dr. Joseph Murphy, Die Macht des Unterbewußtseins und

The Secret von Rhonda Byrne

Beide Bücher haben es mich versuchen lassen, dieses Wunschleben und ich sage Dir, es funktioniert. :)

Viel Spaß beim bloggen und move on... :)


mac hat gesagt…

Dear Ela,

naturally you can answer in german, but I write this blog for my english spoken friends all over the world...so I answer in english... ;-)

I still read "The Secret", it is awesome and I'm trying to live it, but is it not easy in our society.

I would like to get to know the man or woman who answered all your questions and opened your eyes, is it possible!?

Please let me know.

Markus :-)

Ela hat gesagt…

Hi Markus,

I see, no problem, I´ll write english then. :)

If you would get in contact, I´ll send you name and phone-number on FB. But first I have to ask him, if this is okay. :)


Anonym hat gesagt…

In a few years, you'll still be you. Life changes, but if people have reached a certain age, they change hardly. The circumstances are changing constantly, but you almost do not even more. You'll be older, more experienced, but you're still Markus, who asks "what will I be." Maybe you're a little wiser, and realize how foolish this question really is. It's just a silly song without a deeper meaning. If you're looking for answers or "wisdom" in songs or books, go and hear Bob Dylan and read Hermann Hesse or Albert Camus. And than live and think youself. ;-)

Anonym hat gesagt…
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